Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), commonly known as MIG welding, is a welding process where an electric arc forms between a consumable electrode and the workpiece, generating the necessary heat for welding. The electrode, continuously fed as a solid wire, melts and forms the weld metal as it is consumed. The welding area is protected from atmospheric contamination by shielding gases or gas mixtures from the welding torch, ensuring high-quality welds by preventing defects caused by even minimal air exposure.
The 50-ton welded type cement silo could potentially be a very large structure for concrete, cement. Those are usually applied and used at construct lines, concrete batch plants, and other industrial projects to store in addition to dispensing such objects. All-welded constancy in design guarantees their permanence and stability in long-term use with different ambient environments.
The 50-ton capacity of the silo means the ability to provide a quantity that is possible to be on site well ahead of time to have the requirements of the construction met without delay. Even though the design is welded, the strength it gives is considerable enough for resisting harsh weather and, most importantly, ensures the cements stored therein are maintained safe and ready for fitting at desired times. To sum up, a 50-ton Welded Type Cement Silo- a ready and perfect solution for the storage of cement in required quantities for an ongoing construction project.
Achieving a cutting tolerance of +-0.25mm, lasers are firmly established as the accurate cutting technology. Capable of achieving fine contours and intricate cuts in seconds, laser cutting is leading the way in manufacturing efficiency gains.
Flachgeschweißte Siebe bieten aufgrund ihrer großflächigen Öffnungen und des flachen Filtersiebs eine hohe Filtrationsleistung. Aufgrund seiner enormen Festigkeit hat ein Flachspaltsieb eine lange und hohe Lebensdauer. Darüber hinaus kann es aufgrund der flachen Form leicht in Größe und Form an eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen angepasst werden. Sie können in einer Vielzahl von Einstellungen verwendet werden.
Flachkeil-Drahtpaneel Siebe funktionieren nur unter Verwendung der Drahtlücken zwischen den einzelnen V-förmigen Profilen. Durch seine V-förmigen Flächen wirkt er besonders effektiv gegen Verstopfungen und bietet gleichzeitig eine hohe Durchflussleistung. Während die kleineren Partikel durch diesen Spalt fließen können, bleiben andere Rückstände draußen und werden daher daran gehindert, zwischen den Spalten hindurchzugehen.
Flachspaltsiebe bieten vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Agrar-, Bau- und Brauindustrie.
%100 yerli olarak Demiriz Kaynak Makinaları Fabrikasında üretilmiştir.
ARC 165 kaynak makinası; inverter teknolojisine sahip, doğru akım (DC) çıkışlı, rutil, bazik karakterli örtüye sahip 2.50 çapındaki çubuk elektrodları sürekli olarak yakmak üzere kaynak işleri için tasarlanmıştır.
İnverter teknolojisinin düşey kaynak karakteristiği ile optimizasyonu neticesinde, kararlı ark ve iyi bir yeniden tutuşma performansı vermektedir.
En az 10 kVA gücünde olmak şartı ile jeneratör ile kullanıma uygundur.
Kaynak akımı için dijital göstergeye sahiptir.
Makina, fan ile soğutulmaktadır ve aşırı ısınmaya karşı termik korumalıdır.
Paket İçeriği
Ana makina ve ona bağlı 2 metre Şebeke Kablosu
Elektrod Pensesi ve Kablosu 2,5 metre - 10 mm2
Şase Pensesi ve Kablosu 1,5 metre - 10 mm2
Dairesel kaynak makineler kaynaklı imalat sektöründe çok geniş kullanım alanına sahip olup, yüksek kalite, minimum çarpılma için dairesel kesitli parçaların uç uca, köşe, üst üste bindirmeli ve iç içe geçmeli kaynak konfigürasyonlarda çok iyi sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Bu makinelerde dıştan dairesel kaynaklı birleştirmeler yapılmaktadır. Tek ve çok pasolu kaynak, TIG, MIG/MAG ve SAW kaynak sistemleri kullanmak mümkündür. Kaynak yapılacak birleşim yeri kaymayacak şekilde sıkılır ve kaynak kafası hassas bir şekilde dönen iş parçası üzerinde sabit kalarak kaynak yapmış olur. Dairesel kaynak makineleri standart olarak çift torç mekanizmalı üretimi yapılmaktadır ancak tek veya daha fazla torç mekanizmalarının da adapte edilmesi mümkündür. Standart olarak dairesel kaynak makinesi 1000mm ile 6000mm arasında, çap olarak 1000mm ye kadar üretimi yapılmaktadır
Novelty Steel is a contract fabricator of bespoke structural steel works comprising metal cutting, bending, machining, welding and painting.
Our modern steelwork fabrication shops have computer-aided design and detailing (CAD), which is linked directly to factory floor computer numerically controlled (CNC) machinery, creating a genuine seamless CAD/CAM environment. The accuracy of the computer-generated details being transmitted directly to the CNC machinery increases the quality standards of the production.
Novelty Steel has adapted EN 1090-2 standards into its manufacturing processes supervised by experienced quality management team.
Kaynak perdeleri, kaynak maskeleri ve diğer kişisel koruyucu donanımlar (KKD), kaynak işlemleri sırasında işçilerin güvenliğini sağlamak için tasarlanmıştır. Bu ürünler, zararlı ışınlardan, dumanlardan ve parçacıklardan korunmayı sağlar. Yüksek kaliteli malzemelerden üretilen bu ürünler, uzun ömürlü ve dayanıklıdır. Kaynak perdeleri, kaynak işlemleri sırasında oluşan zararlı ışınları engelleyerek, işçilerin gözlerini ve cildini korur. Kaynak maskeleri ise, işçilerin solunum yollarını zararlı dumanlardan korur. Diğer KKD ürünleri, işçilerin güvenliğini artırmak için çeşitli koruma sağlar. Bu ürünler, çeşitli sektörlerde kullanılabilir ve işletmenizin güvenlik standartlarına uyum sağlamasına yardımcı olur.
With column-bom systems, framework can be welded freely as well as it can be welded circular or lengthwise with the help
of invertor or positioner. It provides an opportunity to weld various diametric and long distances. Submerged, Mig, Mag,
Tig welding processes can be used in the system.
Column Bom systems (CBS), can be fixed on the ground or automatically walking on track. Column Bom systems enable
increasing the quality, reducing the time of production and operator exhaustion, to sensibility and increasing the amount
of weld an operator can constantly weld. In the Bom motion, with linear sleds and telescopic bom sensitive inner welds of
cylindrical framework can be made.
-It is designed to fold and weld
outdoor screens, awnings, mosquito
nets, fabrics including pvc, fabrics
including acyrlics and many other
-Performs 10 automatic welding
operations from touch screen such as
hem pocket welding, zipper welding,
joining fabrics, reinforcement,
reference alignment welding, simple
welding, mosquito net welding, acrylic
pocket welding (with tape), acrylic
joining welding (with tape), and
sealing strip reference welding.
-Automatic change of guides, no need
for manual interruption.
-Pocket size is adjustable from touch
screen: min:10mm, max:50mm
-Servo motor motion control
Upper and lower resistances can be
controlled separately
-Adjustable welding parameters
(temperature, cooling and heating
-All parameters can be changed and
saved to the memory for different
-Ability to weld transparent pvc to
-Ability to perform simultaneous
welding for multiple small sized
The forging process offers several
advantages, including enhanced
mechanical properties, improved structural
integrity, and better grain structure
compared to other manufacturing
methods. It is commonly used in industries
such as automotive, aerospace, oil and gas,
and construction, where strong and
reliable metal components are required.
Our machine performs welding with a range of 0.2 mm, and this makes the product more aesthetic.
-melt on both sides of 3 mm.
-You get a more aesthetic and durable welding compared to the resources on the market. With the linear bearing there will be no problems like regulation and extension.
-The device we use is special and 5 programs can be registered.
- Profiles have differences in melting and cooling depending on the raw materials.
-You can save the profile with which you will work for each program, so there is no need to re-configure the profile.
PRODUCT INFORMATION This machine is ideal for the single corner welding of PVC profiles between 30°- 180°.
Enable the welding of all angles between 30°-180°infinitely adjustable
All parameters such as melting and welding time, welding pressure are set independently
Automatically start and finish the welding cycle
Adjusting the heat between 0-300°C by means of the electronic thermostat
Smooth welding operations for long profiles by means of rotating support arms
Maintenance friendly, for example cleaning of the heater plate and changing of the Teflon is very easy by means of quick change system
Practical adjustment of standardl (2 mm) or seamless (0.2 mm) welding options manually
Standard equipped with height adjustable profile support arms on both side
Clamping the profiles separately via foot pedal
Saving of time by means of practical mold change feature
Portable machine stand
Machine according to the profile height of 165 mm
Dans notre usine, la production soudée peut être réalisée en fonction des besoins de nos clients. Nous pouvons préparer des projets pour les besoins de production de nos clients et les produire.
TM Mühendisli Ltd. Şti started its commercial life in 2009 in order to provide raw and processed metal products trading, manufacturing and engineering services to our industrial establishments in our region. Our business continues its commercial activities in a total of 3250m2 closed and 1500m2 open area in Torbalı and Bornova Doğanlar.
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- Welded Products,
- Production of Machine Bodies, Machine Parts and Auxiliary Parts, Spare parts,
- Industrial Structures,
- Steel Structures,
According to customer demands, all kind of design , modelling, analysis and calculation, production, controlling, installation is able to provide by 77 Teknik.
İnşaat hasırı olarakta tanınan çelik hasır, inşaat demirlerinin kaynatılması sonucu elde edilir. Meshweld olarak çelik hasır kaynak makineleri üretiyoruz.
Reinforcement wire mesh welding machines
Saplama Kaynak Civataları ve Somunlarında üretici firmayız. Standart ve özel ölçülerde imalat yapmaktayız. Saplama Kaynak Civatalarında birçok firmanın tedarikçisi olan firmamız ürünlerini birçok ülkeye ihrac etmektedir.
SNKH-P1 Genel Özellikler:
SNKH-P1 El Tipi Ultrasonik Kaynak Makinası, ultrasonik güç kaynağı ve tabancadan oluşan mobil bir sistemdir. Kolay kullanımı ve taşıma çantası sayesinde endüstriyel uygulamalarda çok hızlı çözüm sağlar. Gübre bandı kaynağı veya lamella kaynağı gibi uygulamalarda sıkça tercih edilen bir makinemizdir.
Length Welding Machine is designed for length welding of cylindrical, conical and rectangular bent parts and flat plate sheet metal and plates. Parts between 100-3000 mm diameter can be welded on different machine types. The length welding machine, which offers the ability to make welds internally and externally, is produced from 1 meter to 4 meters long. In some special cases, the length may increase even more. Currently, workpieces with a minimum wall thickness of 0.60 mm can be welded. In submerged arc applications, the wall thickness is up to 20-25 mm. Boilers, water heaters, solar energy boilers, cooling tanks, natural gas chimneys, LPG tubes etc. Length welds of materials are made on this machine. Submerged arc, gas metal, tig etc. Welding systems work synchronously with our machine.
%100 doğal kaynak suyu tuzunun hiçbir işlemden geçirilmeden, rafine edilmeden sadece temizlenerek paketlenmiş halidir. Rafine edilmediği için insan sağlığına zararlı kimyasal maddeler içermez. Lityum, vanadyum, demir, magnezyum ve kalsiyum gibi insan sağlığına faydalı 84 farklı mineral bulundurur. Erimeyen madde oranı 0’dır. İyot ilavesi yapılmamıştır.
The joining process on metal or plexi surfaces is expressed as welding
construction. Combining different materials by using pressure or heat or using more than one
material or giving the impression of being a single piece creates the waist collections of parts and